Some background

  • Gooey library can be used to create an modern UI on top of a Python script/program

  • This works for Python programs which accepts certain mandatory or optional inputs from user and runs to completion doing what it is supposed to do.

  • It will not work if one program has to handover the reigns to another program and so on.

  • Here is the github page of Gooey -

  • It can be installed using pip install gooey

  • Gooey provides a decorator which automatically adds UI to a python program.

What is needed ?

  • The script should use argparser to parse the inputs.

  • GooeyParser can be used instead of argparser if required.

  • The github page has details on the various options that can be passed to the decorator function.

  • An example is provided in the next section.

An example

  • Below is a simple program which accepts certain inputs and prints it out via another function.

  • It accepts the following inputs:

    • Machine Name which is a text input.

    • Module which is a choice list with a default value

    • User

    • Password (password should not show up in UI)

  • run_engine() is the main function

  • print_func() is another function called by main function.

  • @Gooey (…) is the decorator function called on the main function.

  • This decorator accepts certain parameters which will change the behavior of the UI.

    • For example: program_name, progress_regex, hide_message are used here.

    • program name is for showing the name on the UI.

    • progress_regex and hide_message are used to show a progress bar in the UI based on certain print outputs in the script.

    • There are various other options that can be used.

  • The main function has used GooeyParser to add arguments. All arguments are mandatory in this example.

  • Link to the code -


  • Startup screen -

  • Enter the details and Press Enter.

  • If values are not entered for mandatory inputs, the UI throws error as shown below.

  • Once the values are entered and Start button is pressed, the program is invoked.

  • Once the program completes, the UI shows the outputs in “status” window as shown.