def TowerOfHanoi(n , source, destination, via): 
    if n>=1:
        TowerOfHanoi(n-1, source, via, destination) 
        print("Move disk",n,"from source",source,"to destination",destination )
        TowerOfHanoi(n-1, via, destination, source) 

Sequence of calls

3 A B C initial call

2 A C B recursive call

1 A B C - recursive call

0 A C B - Nothing happens

-- Prints Move disk 1 from source A to destination B

The recursion has reached its first end

Now, the 2 A C B resumes - Prints Move disk 2 from source A to destination C

1 B C A - Prints Move disk 1 from source B to destination C (ignoring the 0 _ call)

Now the 3 A B C resumes - Prints Move disk 3 from source A to destination B

And this goes on as shown in output below..

Move disk 1 from source A to destination B
Move disk 2 from source A to destination C
Move disk 1 from source B to destination C
Move disk 3 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source C to destination A
Move disk 2 from source C to destination B
Move disk 1 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 2 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source C to destination B
Move disk 3 from source A to destination C
Move disk 1 from source B to destination A
Move disk 2 from source B to destination C
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 2 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source C to destination B
Move disk 3 from source A to destination C
Move disk 1 from source B to destination A
Move disk 2 from source B to destination C
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 4 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source C to destination B
Move disk 2 from source C to destination A
Move disk 1 from source B to destination A
Move disk 3 from source C to destination B
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 2 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source C to destination B
Move disk 5 from source A to destination C
Move disk 1 from source B to destination A
Move disk 2 from source B to destination C
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 3 from source B to destination A
Move disk 1 from source C to destination B
Move disk 2 from source C to destination A
Move disk 1 from source B to destination A
Move disk 4 from source B to destination C
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C
Move disk 2 from source A to destination B
Move disk 1 from source C to destination B
Move disk 3 from source A to destination C
Move disk 1 from source B to destination A
Move disk 2 from source B to destination C
Move disk 1 from source A to destination C